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Programme Outline
II used the power of sport and play to empower girls, provide more opportunities for children with disabilities and promote intercultural integration as well as a clear focus on teaching children survival swimming skills in a country prone to flooding.
Programme Date
A four-fold approach that will;
- Increase the priority of inclusive high quality PE and Sport for children and young people and strengthen the development of their policies.
- Support the provision and access to regular, inclusive high quality PE, Sport and Play for young people in schools and the community.
- Increased capacity and awareness of the importance of PE and sport for young people amongst teachers, sports coaches, community peer leaders and parents.
- Increase opportunities to access high quality PE and sport programmes by children and young people with particular focus on girls and increasing access to swimming.
British Council
UK Sport
Ministry of Youth & Sports
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
Ministry of Cultural Affairs
Ministry of Children and Women Affairs
National Olympic Committee of Bangladesh
National Sports Council
National Swimming Federation
Bangladesh Rural (BRAC)
- Over 800,000 children and young people reached by International Inspiration in Bangladesh
- Over 18,000 practitioners trained
- This includes more than 16,000 Young Leader

Programme Outline
II Ethiopa
Programme Date
Children and young people
More children and young people of Ethiopia, with a particular focus on those with a disability and girls, take part in high quality and inclusive PE, sport and play activities to equip them with leadership and life skills to address key social issues, including harmful traditional practices.
Policy Development
National policy decision-makers recognise the importance of high quality and inclusive PE, Sport and play, in national agendas, and have taken appropriate actions to ensure that children and young people - particularly those with a disability, and girls, have improved and increased opportunities to take part in PE and sport.
Systemic change
A clear pathway exists, providing opportunities for all young people to take part in sport at all levels, enabling every young child the opportunity to reach and fulfil their true potential via a Sport for All 'model'.
Capacity building
Schools and community-based organisations have increased capacity to support the participation of young people - especially girls and disabled children - in high quality and inclusive PE and sport a) in school from pre-primary to grade 12; and b) in community-based sports activities.
Teachers at primary and secondary level, and community coaches are capable of delivering high quality and inclusive PE and sport in schools and communities, with a particular focus on girls, young women and young people with a disability.
Parents and community leaders have increased awareness of benefits of sport leading to more disabled young people, young women and girls participating in sport.
Attitudinal change
Parental and community awareness of benefits of sport has been increased so that more disabled young people, young women and girls participate in sport.
British Council
Cheshire Foundation
UK Sport
- Ministry of Education
- Minister for Women, Children and Youth Affairs
- Curriculum Development and Implementation Directorate
- Department of Sport Science at Addis University
- Directorate for Teacher and Educational Leaders Development
- Teachers, pupils and officials from Education, Sport, Women, Children and Youth Affairs in Addis Ababa, Amhara and Benishangul-Gumaz (Assosa) regions
- Great Ethiopian Run
- Ethiopia Olympic Committee
- Ethiopia Paralympic Committee
- Federal Sports Commission
- DFID Ethiopia
- Right to Play
- Over 50,000 children and young people reached by International Inspiration in Ethiopia
- Over 1,800 practitioners trained
- This includes more than 600 Young Leaders

Programme Outline
II Ghana
Programme Date
Capacity of children of all abilities developed in high quality inclusive P.E, Sports and Play activities. Through this, improve key outcomes for children, namely: holistic skills development (and all the associated skills such as girls empowerment) leadership; HIV awareness; fair play and respect etc.
British Council
Ghana Education Services
UK Sport
National Paralympic Committee Ghana
Right to Play
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Youth and Sports
National Sports Council
National Sports College
ATTRACO Teacher Training College
- Over 110,000 children and young people reached by International Inspiration in Ghana
- Over 7,000 practitioners trained
- This includes more than 5,000 Young Leaders

Programme Outline
With a population of 1.1 billion, India is home to 20% of the world’s children. International Inspiration is working hand-in-hand with the Indian Government to make sure all children have the chance to play sport in their schools and communities. International Inspiration is active in six states, building strong links between practitioners and policy makers in the UK and India. The programme is providing opportunities for some of the country’s most disadvantaged young people. These include girls, children with disabilities and children from lower castes.
Creating a culture of inclusive sports education as well as user-friendly resources for primary schools have had a massive impact on young people’s lives. Trained community coaches are using sport to tackle a range of social issues, such as forced marriage for girls and truancy, as well as encouraging more children to attend school by improving the provision of PE and sport.
Through our partnership with the Government, over the decade safe spaces for children to play will be created. In addition, coaches are being trained, equipment is being provided and sports competitions are being organised in India’s 250,000 rural villages.
Programme Date
- To build capacity of teachers, coaches & volunteers through schools & NYKS in three settings – urban, rural and post-conflict.
- To support implementation of Panchayat based community sport development by establishing a model district in year 1
- To help secure a social legacy for the Delhi 2010 CWG for the most disadvantaged children of the city
- To use sport as a means of empowerment for women and girls and the differently abled
- To establish the potential for PE and sport as tools for leadership development and civil society building.
British Council
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sport
Special Olympics Bharat
UK Sport
UNICEF ATTRACO Teacher Training College
- Over 5 million children and young people reached by International Inspiration in India
- Over 36,000 practitioners trained
- This includes more than 800 Young Leaders

Programme Outline
II Zambia
Programme Date
- Dissemination of the PE syllabus to all provinces and schools
- Development and dissemination of materials to support the PE syllabus
- Working towards making PE an examinable subject
- Encouraging girls back to school after early marriage and/or pregnancy
- HIV/AIDS education as a cross-cutting theme
- Emphasise the holistic development of young people through the development of mind, body and spirit of the individual.
- As an intervention and prevention strategy targeted at youths and children from social ills such as drugs, pornography, sexually transmitted diseases and general delinquency.
- Capacity building in athletics and volleyball
British Council
UK Sport
Youth Sport Trust
Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development
Ministry of Education
National Sports Council
Curriculum Development Centre
- 300,000 children and young people reached by International Inspiration in Zambia
- Over 4,000 practitioners trained
- This includes more than 2,000 Young Leaders