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Bond Sport for Development and Peace Group

For the first time in history the world’s leaders have signed up to an agreement that recognises sport as an important enabler of sustainable development. Paragraph 37 of the United Nations new development framework, ‘Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’, makes specific mention of sport, acknowledging the growing contribution sport can make to a culture of tolerance and respect, the empowerment of women and young people and the achievement of health, education and social inclusion objectives[1]. In a global climate where inequality is rising, conflicts are escalating and over a billion children and young people are growing up surrounded by poverty, conflict and injustice, there is a pressing need to ensure that we are doing everything possible to promote peace, equality and prosperity for all – and that includes maximising the contribution of sport to development and peace.

There is an increasing evidence base supporting the use of sport as a tool for equitable and inclusive development and a rising recognition of the potential for sport to contribute to promoting peaceful, prosperous and equitable societies. However, in very general terms sport continues to be underutilised and undervalued in mainstream aid and development efforts.

Working in partnership with Bond and Comic Relief, International Inspiration are delighted to be hosting a Sport for Development and Peace exploratory meeting on the 24th March 2016. This meeting aims to provide an opportunity for those working in SDP and those from the wider world of aid and development to come together to consider the opportunities and challenges relating to the role of sport within the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. This is an exploratory meeting to consider the role of SDP within the context of the SDGs and to discuss whether there is value and interest in establishing an SDP group within the Bond network. The meeting will include a series of short talks from organisations including DfID, UNICEF, Comic Relief, IN and Barclays, followed by more interactive Q&A and discussion sessions. For more details please click here to see the agenda.

The meeting is open to anyone who is interested in being part of the discussion and all Bond members curious to learn more about SDP. To register for the meeting please visit the Bond website  or contact Priyanka Sharma (

We very much hope that you will be able to join us!

International Inspiration

[1] Paragraph 37, ‘Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,’ A/RES/70/1, United Nations (2015)